Jadi Akhwat Jangan Cengeng ! (repost)

Jadi Akhwat jangan cengeng.. Dikasih amanah malah melarikan diri.. Diajak syuro bilang ada ijin syar’i.. Afwan ane ada agenda syar’i.. Af... [Read More]


Nilai UTS kok cuma segitu?  Mau dapat nilai berapa di SIAKAD nanti? Masih berharap nilai A atau B? Usaha sudah MAKSIMAL belum... [Read More]

MUST to do list! (Repost from FB ManJaddaWaJada )

Seorang Muslimah tidak dilihat dari jilbabnya yang anggun, tetapi dilihat dari kedewasaannya dalam bersikap. Seorang Muslimah tidak diliha... [Read More]

next target: 1 month 1 book!

Still in my holiday in the middle of my AMAZING final exam, still remember 'bout some checklist in my Toyota's note, one of them is... [Read More]

and the next is ME !

 Feel creeps after watch that video, what a RICH country! But in that city there is no light and electricity, all is so minimalist, espec... [Read More]

Don't be afraid to CHANGED !

Bismillaah.. In the middle of my GREAT exam, finally yeees I'm back to this blog, to write again, to share more, 'bout me, 'bout... [Read More]